Monday, December 6, 2010

Medieval Dramaturgy Post #3.

I decided to look into the events prior to the Flood from the primary source. Although I know that these mystery/morality plays stem directly from the Bible and stick very close to the story told there, minus a few liberties taken as regards to language and rhythm to help move the play on and allow for an easier understanding of the events in general.

The primary source I am talking about is the Bible, more specifically Genesis Chapter 6 and 7. These two chapters are about God telling Noah how and why to build the Ark, which is exactly what the Shipwrights Play: The Building of the Ark shows. I was excited to find a few more exact details that the playwright may have skipped over. Some details which may help us to better represent the message to the audience.  Examples might include the fact that Noah is said to have been six hundred years old at the beginning of the building of the Ark and the exact overall dimensions of the Ark. Just facts that helps our production team understand every aspect of the show so that we can decide on the best way to represent the ideas to our audience.

The Holy Bible, Genesis Chapter 6 and 7, NIV Translation.

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